
Natural Health Warehouse


There is SO much you can do with this AMAZING Superfood! And at the same time, it sure is good for you. Take a look at the below to find out more – 

Cacao Benefits:

These Raw Balls are a delicious & healthy on-the-go / snack-attack treat! They go down so nicely alongside a winter warming hot drink like a Vegan Chai Latte or even a Vegan Hot Chocolate! So if you have 15 minutes & a food processor, check your pantry for the ingredients and give them a go!

You can add your FAVE toppings, just roll your easy Cacao Balls in toppings like Crushed Cacao Nibs (or whole), Desiccated Coconut, More Cacao, Macadamia Nut or Peanut Flour mixed with a little Coconut Sugar – We will leave the toppings for YOU to decide.

So want to give it a go?


  • 2 cups pitted Medjool dates (about 20 medium)
  • 3 tablespoons raw cacao powder

Topping Ideas:


  1. Soak your dates in warm water for 15 minutes and then drain to make them soft and gooey – if they’re not already.
  2. Food process together your dates & cacao until it forms a dough.
  3. Using a small cookie scooper or a tablespoon measuring spoon, scoop the dough and roll them into small balls. Continue until you have rolled out all of the dough.
  4. Roll the balls in toppings of your choice. We used cacao powder for these ones.


Giving this recipe a try?

We’d LOVE to see what YOURS looks like and we’d also love to know how delicious it tasted.

Let us know on our social media platforms:
